- bacon pancakes
- bacon seed
- baconator
- bacon condoms
- bacon sandwich
- bacon camo
- bacon and eggs
- bacon roses
- bacon equality
www.funnyjunk.com |
Whaaaaaaaaaat? Bacon condoms??!? Bacon camo? And bacon equality?!?!?!?! Man, I LOVE the internet. I must read about these three things. So naturally, I did what most of you would do and started to chase a few of these topics down the rat hole known as the internet.
Bacon condoms ... are real. And for sale. They are made by the same company in Seattle, Washington that makes bacon lube. Go figure. Apparently both items started off as an April Fools joke but then once they realized they could make money off such an idea, they continued to produce and sell them. For those who may be curious, the condoms are not made out of latex and not pig, but the goal is "to make your meat look like meat." Oooooooooooooook.
Moving on to bacon camo. Turns out this is way less interesting than it sounded because it's a Call of Duty thing which means I am instantly not interested anymore. I don't play video games unless they are on my Super Nintendo. Yes, you read that right...Super Nintendo circa 1990 (which I didn't get until 1995). I was hoping it was some really awesome redneck hunting outfit - complete with bacon odor - that could be purchased for a good fast-talking friend of mine as a Halloween costume. Turns out, it is not. Stupid.
imgur.com |
readwrite.com |
But enough about that ... back to Bacon Day in the Old Pueblo (that's Tucson for you non-Arizonans)...
Bacon Day is May 18, 2013, from 12-4pm at Reid Park in Tucson. Tickets are $25 for adults (includes bacon and commemorative tasting vessel) and $10 for kids ages 13-17. Not sure, but it sounds like that means kids under 13 are free?!? For $100, you get food + beer + tasting vessel. Doesn't sound like a great value unless you think you can drink $75 worth of craft beer while slamming bacon dishes left and right.
Tickets can be purchased from the event website with the always unpleasant service fee.
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