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I'm not going to lie ... this blog somewhat destroyed me for a few days. It consumed my thoughts and I found myself constantly on the verge of tears. I cried a little bit everytime I put Natalie to bed at night, I cried when I heard the Phoenix Children's Hospital Radio-thon on KTAR and I cried anytime I thought about this little dude. I found myself trying to imagine the pain and hurt that the family must be feeling. I couldn't stop reading post after post after post. I started with the post about Taylor Swift's performance. Then I found a few of the posts from when he was sick but possibly getting better. Then I found a few posts from after he passed away. And then I found the one that destroyed me: the one entitled "Where is Ronan?" where Maya describes Ronan's last day battling cancer. I was not just crying while I read this ... I was sobbing uncontrollably.
I shut the lid on my computer, as if that would make it stop. I texted my neighbor, who I know was also reading the blog, and said something about how I couldn't stop reading post after post after post but how I was a complete wreck. She texted back quickly and admitted the same. So we scheduled a play date with our kids for later in the week.
My heart breaks for this family and this little boy. And just when I think I've come out of my funk, I feel the same wave of emotions again. I wish there was something I could do to ease her pain. I want to go run a marathon (bad idea) for this little guy. I just wanted to do something, anything to feel like I was helping somehow. And then selfishly, I wish with every bone in my body that I never have to know how she feels because I don't think I could deal with it like she has. She has taken an awful situation and turned it into something beautiful and positive. She is an amazingly strong woman who has earned my eternal respect.
Maya posted a short list of 20 ways to live life like a Rockstar (in summary - the full version is here):
1. Be thankful.
2. Be happy.
3. Volunteer.
4. Donate blood or platlets.
5. Spread the word about childhood cancer.
6. Tell Ronan's story to educate others.
7. Be a rebel and break the rules (not the law).
8. Question things and follow your instinct.
9. Be selfless.
10. Enjoy music. Loudly.
11. Be inspired ... and inspire others.
12. Exercise.
13. Allow yourself to be angry - but turn your anger into something positive.
14. Chase your dreams.
15. Talk about Ronan.
16. "Love your family and friends. Cut the drama out of your life if anybody brings it to you. Stop apologizing, but apologize when necessary. Be true to yourself, your beliefs, your life."
17. Never settle.
18. "LOVE with your whole heart, soul, mind and body. Make sure the people in your life, are worth it. If they are, give them everything you have."
19. Let your kids be kids.
20. "Teach your Children. Educate them on how lucky they are. Teach them to be kind to others. Don’t lie to them. Let them make mistakes. Guide them, push them, pull them, engage with them. Be present. Life is hard. Let them know this, without having to teach them the way that Liam and Quinn have had to learn."
Because of her blog, I have kissed my kids 300 or more times a day. I make sure to tell them I love them as many chances as I get. I don't waste time doing the dishes when I could be playing with Natalie. I do more things with them instead of trying to pacify them so I can get something (like dishes, laundry, vacuuming, etc.) done. And it seems cheesy but I've found myself trying to look at the world a little differently. I've stopped myself from bitching about things that don't matter. I'm trying to eliminate the toxic attitude I feel when I have to deal with certain people.
Instead, I'm making an effort to focus every day on appreciating every single little thing that I have in life, like: my health, my hilarious husband who loves me even when I'm an emotional train wreck, that I have the opportunity every other week to love a beautiful, smart, kind and healthy child that is not mine biologically as if she were mine, that my own beautiful, funny and smart daughter is healthy and happy, that my kids have had a chance to meet and get to know 2 of their great-grandmothers, that my 2 parents are both still alive and healthy, that my 2 in-laws live close by and are both still alive and healthy, that my amazingly awesome best-friend and sister now lives closer to me (this kicks so much ass), that my brothers-in-law are both truly amazing men who are working hard and raising amazing children, that my beautiful sisters-in-law are both amazing women doing amazing things (balancing work and motherhood) and raising smart and kind children, that our house is safe and cozy (although it could use some paint and a few new energy efficient windows), that our cars work and get us where we need to go (not you Mr. Bronco), that our neighborhood is safe and friendly, that we are surrounded by awesome neighbors (well, some of them), that we both have good jobs that we enjoy doing most of the time, etc. The list goes on and on and on.
When you make an effort to stop being negative, all of a sudden you're surrounding by a lot more positive than you think. And to that I say ... cheers.
But specifically, cheers to you Ronan! If the story of your life has the kind of impact on others that you had on me, you WILL change the world.
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