I am not a big fan of IPAs. Sometimes they're tolerable but most of the time there's just too much going on for me to enjoy them like I would other varieties of beer. But, The Husband loves them. So since he's been so supportive of me in my various endeavors over the past few years (changing careers, brewing, etc.), I thought it would be nice to brew something for him. And then I thought it would be appropriate to try to time it for tapping at my daughter's 2nd birthday party because, lets face it, no one
really wants to go to a two year old birthday party. But if you tell them that there will be beer provided, suddenly going to the park with a bunch of young kids all hopped up on sugar running around the park or up and down the playgroud equipment repeatedly screaming "mommy mommy mommy look at meeeee" seems much more bearable.
Unfortunately, my timing was a little off. This batch took a bit longer than expected during the bottle-conditioning phase. Afterall, this is only my 5th batch of homebrew so I'm still learning the ropes. The Husband and I tested it the night before the party and it was VERY heavy on the malt flavor and still a bit flat. So we scrapped that idea and went with a giant case of very very cold Coors Light instead.
Yes, I realize that I write a beer blog and I just uttered the words Coors Light. But truth be told, if I'm going to drink a watery domestic on a hot day in the park, I prefer Coors Light in a can. Argue if you wish, but that's the way we roll around here. If you no likey, then feel free to bring me something better to drink.
We let the beer sit another week and tested again -- VOILA! The overwhelming malt flavor had dissipated and the hop flavor was loud and clear without being too loud. The carbonation was just right and once again, I was proud of my brew. Turns out Mr. Bear liked it too. And he has a very discerning palate.
Terrible Twos IPA (~7% ABV)
Suburban Suds Brewery
Chandler, Arizona |
Recommendations: as the mother of a now two year old, I am glad this one turned out to be a slightly heavier hitter than the others. I suspect that until we have cleared the 2 and 3 year old phase, I will need to have a stockpile of beers with higher alcohol content to enjoy each night after the kid goes to bed.