I had no idea what Rayon Vert meant, so naturally, I googled it. Turns out it is French for Green Ray. Green rays and green flashes are rare optical
phenomena that typically occur shortly after sunset or before
sunrise. When looking at the sun, a green spot appears where the sun is when there is a clear view of the horizon. This spot is visible for a short period of time as the last piece of the top (rayon) of the sun dips below (sunset) or first appears above (sunrise) the horizon. Depending on visibility, sometimes a green ray appears to shoot up from the sunset point.
Ahhh, now the brewery/bottle art makes much more sense...
Rayon Vert Belgian-Style Pale Ale (7% ABV) Green Flash Brewing Company San Diego, California |
Once you get past all the foam (be patient, it lingers in the glass FOREVER), this is a very tasty lil brew. It is just exceptionally carbonated and foamy. But after reading other reviews of this beer, it has nothing to do with my storage or pour. It just likes to foam.
Maybe that's what they meant when they wrote "continuously evolving" at the bottom of the label...
Where to buy: this came from my neighborhood Beer Fairy, but I suspect Total Wine
Cost: unknown