Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Homebrew 3: Garbage Pail Cream Ale

Garbage Pail Cream Ale.  Based on the name, you may not think it sounds good, but like all my beers so far, the name is not a testament to the flavor so much as to the story of the beer.

Somewhere during the process of brewing this batch, I got a little too comfortable with the brewing process and tried to do a little multi-tasking around the kitchen.  This is a no-no.

Long story short: I pulled the grain bag out too early and threw it in the trash.  Thankfully I realized my error almost immediately and after yelling a few bad words, I decided what the hell --- and pulled it out of the trash and threw it right back in the pot. Twenty days later, I was able to taste my surprisingly delicious Garbage Pail Cream Ale and laugh at myself for my stupid mistake. 

For the record...the grain bag that went into the trash was sitting in a new trash bag on top of freshly deposited junk mail and not in a 5-day old trash bag full of raw chicken and dog barf.

Garbage Pail Cream Ale (~5% ABV)
Suburban Suds Brewery
Chandler, Arizona

Special thanks to my awesome neighbor for taking a quick picture of my beer in our freshly mowed front yard and making both of them look so sexy. You rock!

Rating:  based on the feedback I've received from all my generous neighborhood taste testers, I'm going to give this one a solid 4.5 out of 5 pint glasses on the unofficial Suburban Suds rating system.

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